Share-Builders Blog

ShareBuilder CRM - Fully Powered By Microsoft Azure

Written by Taylor Snow | Dec 14, 2022 12:00:00 PM
ShareBuilder CRM (formerly known as Efficio) is proud to announce that it is now fully powered by Microsoft Azure.


For over a decade, our team managed the hardware and software solutions that helped deliver the ShareBuilder CRM experience. As our customers' businesses have evolved, we realized that we needed to focus our resources on delivering reliable, high-quality services for the next generation of media sales teams. To do so, we needed to stop being distracted by maintaining the hardware and services that keep our products running.


Over the last few months, our Product Team has been busy working on this transition to Azure, and we are excited to finally share the news with you. Azure is a cloud-based platform that offers a more reliable and scalable infrastructure for hosting the solutions we provide customers. This means that our solutions should be more resilient to outages and other disruptions, and will be able to handle the changing demands of our business more easily.


We expect that this move to Azure will provide several benefits to our customers. First, you should see improved performance over time, with faster page loads and better 3rd party data processing. Additionally, the reliability of our software should be improved, with fewer outages and other disruptions as we fully integrate into the Azure platform.


We are very excited about this move to Azure and the benefits it will bring to our customers. We look forward to continuing to provide you with the best possible software and support.