Share-Builders Blog

Media Sales Words That Should Be Retired. Now.

Written by Kitty Malone | Jan 28, 2014 2:00:09 PM
Radio remotes are history.
NBC remote broadcast truck, San Francisco, early 1930's. Bay Area Radio Museum,

There was a recent article on social media about words and phrases that you shouldn't say if you are over a certain age (younger than me, for instance), and/or living in 2014. I was interested to read it to see if A) I knew them; B) I used them; C) I am relevant. I knew them all, but used none of them. I decided that makes me relevant, and, more importantly, not an embarrassment to my daughters.

It made me think about words and phrases we have held onto in media sales – words that we should also know, but not use again. I mean, they are SO not adorbs:

  •  Package. I know, right? And I don't mean the kind of “package” 8th grade boys are referring to, I mean the media sales kind that offers x number of spots for x dollars with an added-value web banner thrown in. These packages are not client-focused, and may actually be a waste of their money if the spots are not reaching their target. The package is for YOU, so you can spread out your inventory and appear to be giving a lower rate. Individualized solutions that bring a good return for your clients are what result in relationships and renewals.
  • Fax. I know, right? Do not say, “Fax me the order.” People used to send selfies of their packages on the fax machine, but now that fax is now probably in some supply closet collecting dust. Put your email address on your signature and take out your fax number. I had a sister-in-law who used the term “gnarley” after the year 2000. Like her, you date yourself when you use “fax.” Welcome to 2010 and don't be that person.
  • Remote. Like, I am going to drop what I am doing and race to the car dealer in the next two hours to buy a car because my favorite personality is there. I know, right? It is cray-cray to think that listeners and viewers will do that, even if there are pens, coozies and hot dogs. Remotes are a thing of the past, unless you are really highlighting an event. Even if you are, don't count on people rushing out there – look for overall success based on the focus and reach of the message.
  • Value added. I know, ri… ok, enough. It is an annoying phrase. As for value added, when you offer it, it means there is not enough value in your marketing solution. Buyers demand it because they are supposed to. In media sales, we offer it because we have been trained to assume that everyone wants a “deal.” What everyone wants is more products or services moved. Show them you can do that with a solid idea and plan.
  • High level. High-level solutions are amazeballs! This is totes magoats a buzz word. I am not sure when we started breaking out levels of discussions, conversations, problems and solutions. If you are not involved in the high-level talks, does that mean you are a low-level media salesperson? If you are looking at your CRM from a high level, you may miss the low-level phone call you need to make.

Be sure to update your media sales phrases while you update your social vocabulary. After all, YOLO so you don't want to be an embarrassment. I know, right?

By Kitty Malone, Efficio Solutions Manager of Client Services

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