I was recently watching the coverage of the on-going search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane. The satellites and the pings from the black box had narrowed the search. The underwater search by the mini-sub had found nothing. Frustrations were clearly growing as the families wanted answers, the airline needed answers, and ships and planes had been searching for days with no answers.
The professionals being interviewed on the news show suggested that the next step might be to have someone new collect and analyze the data. With all due respect to the group that narrowed the search, perhaps they were so locked into their solutions and theories that they were missing other indicators.
The pros relate that when the experts get stumped in science and police work, it is common to bring in a fresh pair of eyes. I wondered, if this is a strategy for scientists and cops, why do we hesitate to do it in media sales?
Account managers hang on to accounts for dear life, even when they are inactive and costing them (and the station) money. Media sales managers are hesitant to move accounts that are producing desired results because they either believe it (sorta…) when the seller says they are “this close,” or they don’t want to make the seller mad. Meanwhile, the business owner wants answers on how to get more people in their door, and the station higher ups want answers on why that account isn’t on the air.
From a media sales manager’s position, here are a few things a fresh pair of eyes can bring to an account:
As a media salesperson, why do you care if this account gets a fresh pair of eyes? You weren’t getting anywhere. And YOU will be a fresh pair of eyes for another account with potential. See if you can find those lost dollars with a fresh pair of eyes on lost accounts.
By Kitty Malone, Efficio Solutions Manager of Client Services