Share-Builders Blog

Chris Crawford Interview on Media Sales and Efficio's CRM and Yield Management Solution

Written by Chris Crawford | Jun 26, 2013 9:29:19 PM
Has sales evolved over time?
E. L. Ingram, salesman for Raleigh Goods, Chatham, Virginia, 1918. Ingram traveled by wagon and mule to sell goods across Pittsylvania County.

Recently, Efficio Sales Manager Chris Crawford was interviewed for a podcast about the evolution of the media industry and the most common questions that he receives regarding Efficio. We wanted to share this podcast on our blog so that our readers can learn more about the changing role of media sellers and what sets apart Efficio’s media CRM and sales analytics solution from other CRMs.

Below are a few of the questions that were covered during the podcast:

  • What differentiates a media CRM such as Efficio Solutions from something like
  • What is a media dashboard and how does a media dashboard help sales managers do a better job of managing their sales teams?
  • What is “yield management” and why does it matter?
  • Why is yield management so important for media companies?
  • Why is utilizing media sales proposal software better than PowerPoint or custom proposals?
  • How important is a corporate roll-up function to media companies in 2013?
  • What are you thoughts on the importance of mobile / Smartphones to a sales force? How can this technology best be used?
  • How has the job of a media seller changed in the past 10 years? Or hasn’t it?
  • How are things different for media sales managers today?
  • What do you see in the future for media CRM?

Listen to the podcast!  Chris Crawford interview.