Women prospectors on their way to the Klondyke, 1898. B.W. Kilburn, photographer. Library of Congress.
On the Fifth Day of Christmas:
Promise yourself that you will make five new business calls each week. That is only one per day.
- Ask for referrals from your happy key customers.
- Look in your local business newspaper for new construction and licenses for new business.
- Keep your eyes open when driving from one client to the next.
- Use your CRM to prospect accounts that have been dormant for a while but their circumstances may have changed.
In media sales there will always be attrition, but by continually adding new business, you can replace that and grow. You never know when you will uncover your next key client, but you have to take the initiative to make the calls to get that new business.
And, you may have four budgets to hit, so be sure you are paying attention to all of them.
And, find three reports you can use to help you be accountable and develop sales, and visit them frequently.
And, if two (or more) people call on an account in your organization, work together and share information.
And, promise yourself that you will have fantastic and productive one-on-ones forever more.
Next time, for the Sixth Day of Christmas, come up with six good ideas for your clients.
By Kitty Malone, Efficio Solutions Manager of Client Services