In the Perfect Eat Shop, Chicago, Illinois, 1942. Jack Delano, photographer. Library of Congress.
On the Sixth Day of Christmas:
Come up with six good ideas for your clients. In media sales, ideas sell.
- Take a fresh idea to up-sell your top clients and use a solid idea to lure in new business.
- Have a brainstorming meeting over a pizza lunch, and be sure to invite friends and/or co-workers who are in the target demo for your client’s products and services.
- Go outside the promotions and marketing department for a fresh perspective, but include them in your meeting so they can understand how and why the idea was generated.
- Share CNA information with your brainstorming group, including the target and what the target wants. You may come up with copy ideas, a new event with sponsorships, or ways to bring the client into a current promotion. Creative marketing and advertising makes the process more “fun” for your clients, and as long as you address the client’s marketing problems, it will work!
Make five new business calls each week.
And, you may have four budgets to hit, so be sure you are paying attention to all of them.
And, find three reports you can use to help you be accountable and develop sales, and visit them frequently.
And, if two (or more) people call on an account in your organization, work together and share information.
And, promise yourself that you will have fantastic and productive one-on-ones forever more.
Next time, for the Seventh Day of Christmas, when answering avails, make sure your rates expire within seven days.
By Kitty Malone, Efficio Solutions Manager of Client Services