"Cat posed with Mexican serape” is part of the Lawrence T. Jones III Texas Photographs collection, held by SMU’s DeGolyer Library.
You have all seen those cute little quizzes on social media that determine what state you should live in, what character in Friends you are, and what Kevin Bacon movie you would be in. So how about finding out what kind of media sales animal you are? We all share characteristics with our furry friends. So, where do you fit in the media sales zoo?
Choose the best answers in this short quiz to see where you stand, and if you want more information on sales animals, click here.
1. Which Disney character do you most identify with?
A. Captain Jack Sparrow
B. Winnie the Pooh
C. Professor Ludwig Von Drake
D. Mickey Mouse
2. What do you want to watch on TV?
A. Sports
B. The Daily Show or the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
C. Sherlock Holmes or any of the CSI shows
D. Reality shows
3. Which of these best describes a great getaway for you?
A. Vegas
B. Wherever my family and friends are is cool with me
C. New York – lots to do there
D. Someplace where there is shopping, great food and drinks, and lots of fun things to do
4. It’s lunchtime! What are you going to do?
A. See if the boss is free…I want to pick her brain.
B. Get out of the office for a while and enjoy a little time away from my coworkers!
C. Grab something out of the vending machine, go back to my desk and surf the net
D. Where is everybody going? I’m in!
5. Your teachers described you as:
A. Persistent
B. A joy to have in class, no trouble at all
C. Quiet, but a good student
D. Popular
6. Favorite form of social media
A. Linked In
B. None
C. Twitter
D. Facebook (but they are all great!)
7. Where are you at a concert:
A. Close to the stage
B. In my seat
C. Far enough back so I can see the whole stage setup
D. Just coming out after the backstage meet-and-greet
8. What might be your theme song:
A. Best Day of My Life
B. I Hold On
C. Just Give Me a Reason
D. Story of My Life
9. You need to do a business meeting three hours away. You would rather:
A) Fly in, meet, fly out.
B) Drive, crank up your favorite tunes, and enjoy the scenery along the way.
C) Which costs more?
D) Fly in the night before, have a great dinner with the client, meet a prospect for breakfast, meet, and fly out.
Count up the number of As, Bs, Cs, and Ds you have. Determine which letter has the majority of answers.
If you had more As: You are a racehorse. You are highly motivated to cross the finish line first. You can be skittish, but you are probably a high achiever who hits your goals. You are often on the run and love to win not only the big sale but the internal sales contest.
If you had more Bs: You are a bunny rabbit. Who doesn’t like a cute little bunny? Its vulnerability makes everyone want to pet it, and it never makes you angry because it is so sweet! It can stay quietly in one place for hours, or run run run to get more food or, more importantly, away from those who might eat it up. But, like a bunny hopping, performance may be up and down, as this kind of media salesperson doesn’t like to sniff out new business and often relies on relationship buys.
If you had more Cs: You are a raccoon. You are a thinker and a planner. You may sometimes get analysis paralysis, as you want to assess and understand everything before moving forward.
If you had more Ds: You are a meerkat. Always the social animal, this salesperson love to talk, work and play in a social environment. They, too, can be occasionally difficult to manage, but are often fun to have around and produce to please. They can run from being very high achievers in media sales to low, as you find some meerkat sellers who would rather talk than listen to their clients and who are constricted by the structure.
And if your answers are pretty evenly spread across all numbers, you might be a cat. You love the hunt, but can be playful. You like relationships with people who can do things for you, but also want to be involved at some level in all that is going on. You don’t really need anyone, except on your terms, like when YOU need something. And, like a cat carefully sniffing the air before stepping gingerly outside, you weigh all factors before moving forward!
By Kitty Malone, Efficio Solutions Manager of Client Services