Technology Round-Up: Windows XP and the Heartbleed Bug

May 9, 2014 12:07:59 PM / by Taylor Snow

Don't miss Efficio's technology series on Windows XP and Heartbleed

XP and Heartbleed Is your technology up to speed?
Photo by Flickr User x-ray delta one.

  • How does the cessation of Microsoft support for Windows XP affect you?
  • What are your options for living in a post-XP online world?
  • Is the Heartbleed bug as serious as they say?
  • What do you need to do to shore up your security online?

I’m a Complete Loser (and This Isn’t About My Brackets), bKitty Malone, Efficio Solutions Manager of Client Services

So, why am I a complete loser for not paying attention to the fact that Microsoft will not support Windows XP after today?

So What if Windows XP Support is Over?, by Matt Longhouse, Co-president of Efficio, IT

Here are your options for dealing with the fact that Windows XP support is over.

So, You Still Have XP, by Matt Longhouse, Co-president of Efficio, IT

Unless your Windows XP computer is disconnected from the Internet, which seems almost unfathomable, it’s time to upgrade. So what’s your next step?

How Does Heartbleed Affect You?, by Matt Longhouse, Co-president of Efficio, IT

What is the Heartbleed bug, how it can affect you, and what to do NOW.


Tags: Industry News

Taylor Snow

Written by Taylor Snow

VP, Product

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