With this small change, we better recognize the type of accounts our clients do business with. Although a small change, we hope this icon better represents your accounts. This icon along with many others, will be implemented throughout Efficio.
We are continually working to make Efficio even easier to use with every update release. This update helps bring quicker and easier identification of the data throughout Efficio. In many of the grids throughout Efficio, you will notice the primary column(s) have an icon to help identify what you are looking at. Many other buttons are now more easily identified.
With this update to Efficio you will notice a bit of a cleaner Contact experience. Now with standard icons, you can quickly identify if contacts are related to an account or an agency. The Icon standardization makes it easier to add activity for contact, email contacts,
The following pages have been upgraded with our latest easy to use filter controls.
The pages below have been updated to provide a quick keyword search for greater ease of use when trying to search in Efficio.
The following pages have received the most recent grid enhancements of adding and removing columns, printing and exporting grids to excel.