Share-Builders Blog

Monthly Wrap-Up: Enhancements in ShareBuilder Pricing

Written by ShareBuilders | Jun 4, 2024 3:20:36 PM

Discover Our Latest Enhancements: New Features in ShareBuilder Pricing!

We are thrilled to share the latest updates and enhancements to ShareBuilder Pricing with you! Our dedicated team has been hard at work, bringing you new features and improvements designed to streamline your workflow, provide deeper insights, and help you make more informed decisions. Here's a look at what's new this month:

Your Favorite Dayparts

Our web-based pricing app now offers the 'Favorite Dayparts' feature, making it easier to access and track critical inventory data. With just a couple of clicks, you can keep tabs on your highest revenue-producing dayparts. Simply click on 'Summary' under the inventory tab to see a Daypart Summary page.

You can now select favorites by clicking on the star next to each daypart. Once set, click on the favorites tab at the top to view your selected dayparts. Additionally, you can easily identify 'Too Tight' and 'Too Open' dayparts with a simple click. The chart retains its ability to be sorted by Projected Sell Out and Revenue Contribution, providing a quick and easy snapshot of your inventory's current state.

Expanded Holding Capacity Views

We have enhanced the Expanded Holding Capacity Views to provide you with a broader perspective on trends. Previously, our views were limited to comparing the current quarter against the same quarter in the prior year. Now, you can seamlessly track data across all quarters with the Chronological View.

To access this feature, go to holding capacity, click settings, and select Chronological View in the Time View drop-box. This will display previous quarters chronologically, making it easier to identify trends over a shorter period. Choose your time period (quarterly), plot type (shares, TRPs, or TRP shares), and revenue type (local/national/political) to start your analysis.

New 'Average Rate' Column

Finding average rates across multiple weeks has never been easier with our new 'Average Rate' column. Whether working on a quarterly or annual buy, you can now quickly calculate average rates across selected weeks on your rate cards.

To use this feature, toggle on the “Show Averages” button in Rate Card settings. The Average Rate column will be appended to the last column on your rate card, allowing you to customize your rate card to fit your needs better.

Forecasting Comments in Charts

Our latest update now allows you to view and add forecast comments directly on your forecast charts, enhancing your ability to make informed decisions by providing contextual insights alongside your data.

Did you know that the ShareBuilders Pricing tool forecast charts view gives you the ability to track specific revenue events like sports, promotions and special programming, weather or breaking news preemptions, revenue exceptions, cancellations and credits, political spending, and anything outside the normal course of business that might otherwise distort your ability to forecast accurately? Utilizing the Comments feature in ShareBuilders is a simple three-step process:

1. Go to the Forecast Charts tab view in ShareBuilders.
2. Right-click on a revenue data point for the month and day to add your note and select “Edit Chart Notes.”
3. Add your note and select “Ok.”

Once your note is added, that specific data point will show up as bright yellow, indicating that there is a note present. Hovering over the yellow data point will display the note. If you ever need to update or add to your note, just repeat the steps above.

Inventory Summaries

The Inventory Summary tool, formerly known as Daypart Summary, is now available online. This tool allows you to compare your current inventory situation to that of your corporate group and the entire database of ShareBuilder customers.

At a glance, you can view a projection of Daypart sellout status. Dark red with multiple arrows pointing up indicates a highly oversold daypart, while dark green with arrows pointing down shows a very open daypart. Use the Too Tight and Too Open columns to isolate specific dayparts, and click on a column to sort by sellout or percent of revenue.

This tool is invaluable for quickly comparing trends and evaluating where you stand compared to others in the industry.


Stay Informed and Engaged!

We hope you find these enhancements valuable and look forward to your feedback.  If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your ShareBuilder consultant or use the chat bubble in the lower right-hand corner of ShareBuilder Pricing.