Share-Builders Blog

Pricing Strategy: Optimizing Inventory During Big Events and Political

Written by Bob Swinehart | Jul 5, 2023 8:00:00 PM

When major sporting events, legalized sports betting, or heavy political spending are expected, TV pricing strategies can be adjusted to take advantage of the increased viewership and demand for advertising. Here are a few possible approaches:

  1. Dynamic pricing: This is a real-time strategy for adjusting TV ad rates based on demand. When demand is high, rates increase; when demand is low, rates decrease. This can help TV networks maximize revenue by charging more during peak times and less during off-peak times.

  2. Package deals: TV stations can offer package deals that include multiple ad spots during a specific time frame, such as the duration of a major sporting event or election cycle. These package deals can offer a discounted rate compared to individual spots and can be an attractive option for advertisers looking to capitalize on the increased viewership.

  3. Sponsorship opportunities: TV stations can offer sponsorship opportunities for major sporting events or political coverage, including brand integration, product placement, and other forms of advertising beyond traditional ad spots. These sponsorships can provide greater brand exposure and recognition while generating revenue for the TV network.

  4. Targeted advertising: With the rise of data-driven advertising, TV stations can leverage their audience data to offer targeted advertising to specific audiences. For example, sports betting companies can target viewers who have previously been interested in sports or gambling. In contrast, political advertisers can target viewers based on their political affiliation or voting history.

Overall, the key to successful TV pricing strategies during major events is to be flexible and adaptable and offer various options to advertisers that meet their specific needs and objectives. By doing so, TV stations can maximize their revenue while delivering value to advertisers and viewers alike.

Are you capturing every last available dollar in your market? If not, ShareBuilders can help. Our software and our consultants can you help you navigate the pricing for these significant events and then adjust as needed as the event gets closer. We’ll also ensure that the forecasted extra revenue isn’t inflating your rates elsewhere. Our experience handling these situations guarantees a beneficial solution for our Pricing clients.