Monthly Wrap-Up: Enhancements in ShareBuilder Pricing

Jun 4, 2024 10:20:36 AM / by ShareBuilders posted in Features and Updates, ShareBuilders, Radio, TV

Discover Our Latest Enhancements: New Features in ShareBuilder Pricing!

We are thrilled to share the latest updates and enhancements to ShareBuilder Pricing with you! Our dedicated team has been hard at work, bringing you new features and improvements designed to streamline your workflow, provide deeper insights, and help you make more informed decisions. Here's a look at what's new this month:

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Maximizing TV Advertising Revenue: A Powerful Blend of Data and Human Insight

May 1, 2024 3:15:00 PM / by Bob Swinehart posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, Radio, TV

What are the benefits of using a yield management tool combined with human insights to price your TV advertising?

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Is The Future of Sports on Broadcast TV in Peril?

Apr 17, 2024 3:15:00 PM / by Bill Witsik posted in ShareBuilders, Industry News, TV

Where does this leave broadcast television? It depends. The advantage right now for broadcasters is that the streaming landscape is a confusing mess (to put it mildly). Sports fans must piece together different apps to find the event or league they enjoy watching. For example, MLB airs on the Fox Sports app, Apple+, and even has its own MLB app for the hardcore baseball fan. Are you a fan of the NFL? If you want to watch Thursday Night Football, you need an Amazon Prime subscription to do so.

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Are You “Buying” or “Renting” My Inventory?

Apr 10, 2024 3:15:00 PM / by Mark Bretsch posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, Radio, TV

In the past week, I’ve heard from numerous stations detailing a troubling trend: significant cancellations from an advertiser who initially committed substantial business for Q2. These cancellations have left stations reeling, not just financially but also operationally, as they had structured their rate cards and inventory projections around the anticipated revenue from this client.

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Elevating Client Success with ShareBuilder CRM's Newest Features

Apr 3, 2024 8:40:34 PM / by ShareBuilders posted in Features and Updates, ShareBuilders, CRM, Radio, TV

In our continuous journey to enhance ShareBuilder CRM and deliver unparalleled value to our clients, we are excited to introduce new features designed to streamline workflows, enhance security, and foster a culture of transparency and collaboration between managers and account executives (AEs). Our latest update to ShareBuilder CRM marks a significant milestone in our quest to provide our users with a comprehensive, secure, and efficient CRM platform.

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Navigating the Maze: Ratings, Impressions, and the Quest for TV Ad Revenue

Apr 3, 2024 3:15:00 PM / by Bob Swinehart posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, Radio, TV, OOH

Greetings, fellow TV station moguls and advertising aficionados! Have you ever found yourself staring at a wall of Nielsen and Comscore data, scratching your head and muttering, "Ratings or impressions? Impressions or ratings? What's the deal with these things, anyway?" Fear not, my perplexed friends, for you are not alone in this comedic saga of advertising metrics.

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The Influence of Local News on Consumer Behavior: A Closer Look

Mar 27, 2024 3:15:00 PM / by Bill Witsik posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, Industry News, TV

One of the biggest trends we see at ShareBuilders is the strong demand for local news in the early morning and early news. On the flipside, there has been a lack of demand in late news over the past several quarters. Some of it is understandable, given how primetime viewing habits have evolved. More streaming and less primetime viewing means the lead-in for local news isn’t as strong as they were five or ten years ago.

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Knowing When to Adjust Your Budget: A Guide for Broadcast TV Stations

Mar 20, 2024 3:15:00 PM / by Anita O'Neill posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, TV


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Optimizing Q2 Pricing Strategy: Key Factors to Consider

Mar 13, 2024 3:15:00 PM / by Mark Bretsch posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, Radio, TV

Activity is starting to ramp up for Q2 business. While Q1 doesn’t give us any solid indicators of how Q2 will materialize, it provides ample data points with which to give our most accurate forecast of demand. Most of the following is common sense, but frequency sells, so getting a refresher is always a great idea.

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Navigating the Future of Broadcast TV Sales with AI-Powered Insights

Mar 6, 2024 2:15:00 PM / by Chris Koller posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, TV, Spotlight Features

Share Points is an exclusive, comprehensive analysis of the latest pacing trends – powered by AI and updated daily to keep you ahead of the curve. To keep that personal ShareBuilders human touch, our weekly videos with CEO Erin Koller walk you through the latest findings, helping you understand the changes and optimize your decision-making process.

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