Virtual Fatigue - Yes, it is a Thing!
May 15, 2020 11:33:44 AM / by Kitty Malone posted in Features and Updates, Customer Success, Industry News
But I Don't WANNA Go Back!
May 6, 2020 2:55:50 PM / by Kitty Malone posted in Features and Updates, Customer Success, Industry News
The new Efficio starts here.
Apr 22, 2020 8:24:35 AM / by Kitty Malone posted in Features and Updates, Customer Success, Industry News
A new focus on the future and providing more powerful solutions for media teams.
There is no question that the tools you needed two decades ago to run your organization are no longer the tools you need today. How your organization worked in the past isn't how your teams work today. Today’s media teams are evolving faster than ever and working far differently than they have been.
That’s why the ShareBuilder and Efficio teams have been hard at work to reimagine our product offerings in order to focus on a new future. With Efficio, we need to make it easier to use, and more flexible for where modern media companies are headed. As our platform evolves, moving forward we will be focusing on how your organization is adapting to the ever-changing marketplace.
Working From Home
Mar 18, 2020 9:11:21 AM / by Kitty Malone posted in Media Sales, Features and Updates, ShareBuilders, Customer Success, CRM
As more businesses encourage workers to work from home, your coworkers may change from colleagues and team members to dogs and bored children. Don’t worry, it can be done, and this is a time that can either make you - highlighting your focus, commitment and productivity; or break you – highlighting your need for instruction and inability to stay on task. At Efficio, we are spread around the country in order to have the best talent in accessible places to better serve you. So, we know a thing or two about working remotely.
Efficio supports you, wherever you need to work
Mar 12, 2020 8:40:43 AM / by Kitty Malone posted in Features and Updates
The jokes about hoarding toilet paper and hand washing are flying, and the news gets more alarming daily. Some people are cancelling their spring break cruises and trips to Disney, and others are relishing the thought of stateroom upgrades, empty middle seats on airplanes and shorter waits in lines at theme parks. Whatever your thoughts, the coronavirus outbreak is causing cancellations and postponements of big events in which people congregate. It is also causing some companies to encourage their employees to work from home.
Product Changes May 21st, 2019
May 23, 2019 1:37:41 PM / by Taylor Snow posted in Features and Updates
Product Changes April 16th, 2019
Apr 17, 2019 8:04:13 AM / by Taylor Snow posted in Features and Updates
Product Changes March 22nd, 2019
Mar 22, 2019 9:59:20 AM / by Taylor Snow posted in Features and Updates
Reinvigorating Partnership and Growth
Mar 11, 2019 2:00:29 AM / by Taylor Snow posted in Features and Updates, CRM
Efficio At Your Fingertips
Jan 11, 2019 11:56:46 AM / by Taylor Snow posted in Media Sales, Features and Updates, CRM, Industry News