The Remote Revolution: Modern Media Sales Teams Embrace Mobility
May 24, 2023 3:00:00 PM / by Chris Koller posted in Media Sales, Radio, TV, OOH
Unleash the Power of Pricing: Strategies for Political Campaigns
May 17, 2023 12:15:18 PM / by Anita O'Neill posted in ShareBuilders, Industry News, TV
How should you handle pricing if your market expects huge political in the upcoming months? You risk scaring your core customers away if you price in full upfront. Once core clients start to avoid spending, pulling them back in can be very difficult if the political dollars don’t materialize. If you don’t price for any political and it comes in strong, you risk alienating your core by bumping them out. Researching the races expected in your market and past spending for similar races can be helpful.
The Benefits of Yield Management and CRM integration
Apr 26, 2023 1:23:44 PM / by Bob Swinehart posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, Customer Success, CRM, Radio, TV
Are Awards Shows Back? - Inside The Numbers
Apr 19, 2023 1:55:34 PM / by Bill Witsik posted in Media Sales, Industry Events, ShareBuilders, TV
Pricing Strategy for Inelastic Demand
Apr 12, 2023 3:56:48 PM / by Mark Bretsch posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, TV
Different types of demand require different pricing strategies. Inelastic demand refers to a situation where a change in price has a relatively small impact on the quantity of a product or service demanded by buyers. In other words, buyers aren’t price sensitive.
Supply & Demand 101
Apr 5, 2023 1:58:23 PM / by Joe Campbell posted in ShareBuilders, Radio, TV
Supply and demand is a fundamental concept in economics, which describes the relationship between the availability of a product or service and its demand, and is a core concept and philosophy in what we do at ShareBuilders.
Monthly Comparisons
Mar 29, 2023 11:57:47 AM / by Anita O'Neill posted in ShareBuilders, Radio, TV
Has the Demise of Broadcast TV Been Greatly Exaggerated?
Mar 22, 2023 10:07:14 AM / by Bill Witsik posted in ShareBuilders, Industry News, TV
When is pricing for share a bad idea?
Mar 15, 2023 4:00:00 PM / by Mark Bretsch posted in ShareBuilders, Radio, TV
As we shared in last month’s blog, when prices fall, demand generally increases. When a station uses the strategy of “pricing for share” it involves lowering the price in an effort to make the station’s inventory more attractive to buyers, thus encouraging them to buy more. Having one advertiser “buy more inventory” might be good in a specific instance, but if this strategy is utilized universally with every advertiser, it can lead to problems. Here are a few points to consider:
Automotive Spending on Broadcast TV
Feb 22, 2023 12:45:22 PM / by Bob Swinehart posted in Features and Updates, ShareBuilders, TV