In recent years, and accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become increasingly popular. With technological advancements, many companies, including ShareBuilders, are now offering their employees the option to work from home. While working remotely can provide many benefits, such as flexibility and convenience, it can also pose some challenges when balancing work and personal life.
Remote Control: How to Manage Your Work-Life Balance When Working at Home
May 31, 2023 4:00:00 PM / by Joe Campbell posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, Just For Fun, Customer Success, Radio, TV
The Remote Revolution: Modern Media Sales Teams Embrace Mobility
May 24, 2023 3:00:00 PM / by Chris Koller posted in Media Sales, Radio, TV, OOH
The Benefits of Yield Management and CRM integration
Apr 26, 2023 1:23:44 PM / by Bob Swinehart posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, Customer Success, CRM, Radio, TV
Are Awards Shows Back? - Inside The Numbers
Apr 19, 2023 1:55:34 PM / by Bill Witsik posted in Media Sales, Industry Events, ShareBuilders, TV
Pricing Strategy for Inelastic Demand
Apr 12, 2023 3:56:48 PM / by Mark Bretsch posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, TV
Different types of demand require different pricing strategies. Inelastic demand refers to a situation where a change in price has a relatively small impact on the quantity of a product or service demanded by buyers. In other words, buyers aren’t price sensitive.
In a Game of Inches . . .
Feb 1, 2023 2:23:05 PM / by Bill Witsik posted in Media Sales, ShareBuilders, TV
Working From Home
Mar 18, 2020 9:11:21 AM / by Kitty Malone posted in Media Sales, Features and Updates, ShareBuilders, Customer Success, CRM
As more businesses encourage workers to work from home, your coworkers may change from colleagues and team members to dogs and bored children. Don’t worry, it can be done, and this is a time that can either make you - highlighting your focus, commitment and productivity; or break you – highlighting your need for instruction and inability to stay on task. At Efficio, we are spread around the country in order to have the best talent in accessible places to better serve you. So, we know a thing or two about working remotely.
Put Yourself in the Driver's Seat
Sep 24, 2019 9:19:38 AM / by Kitty Malone posted in Media Sales
Like many other neighborhoods and new community areas around the country, my street now features a roundabout at a few busier intersections. In case you haven’t encountered one yet, these “traffic circles“ have been a staple in foreign countries for a long time. They control the flow of traffic, keeping things moving and giving all intersections a chance to turn. The problem is: so many are used to the old four way stop signs, they are confused by the roundabout; and so either fight it, causing more potential for accidents; or avoid it all together! Fight it or avoid it altogether? That sounds like what we sometimes hear about salespeople using the CRM functionality of their Sales Enablement Platform!
Efficio At Your Fingertips
Jan 11, 2019 11:56:46 AM / by Taylor Snow posted in Media Sales, Features and Updates, CRM, Industry News